How Olivia Dunne turned the male gaze into a gymnastics empire
Olivia Dunne isn't the most capable gymnastic master out there, nor is she the most popular expert in her game. In any case, if you somehow sorted out some way to outline the library of slow improvement accounts Dunne posts on TikTok, particularly those highlighting her performing reverse flips and handsprings near the ocean (beach antics, she calls it), you'd likely handle the defense for why the 20-year-old New Jersey area is, by unambiguous assessments at any rate, the best thing going in American gymnastic. Dunne has an Instagram following of 3.7m, more than Derek Jeter, Cher, or the superior generally around-round Olympic gymnastic boss, Sunisa Lee. On TikTok, 7.2m records follow Dunne - millions more than Beyoncé. A piece of the photos and accounts integrate tumbling. In any case,…